Tuesday, November 10, 2009

20/80 Rule

just want to shre something that i really feel good to share with you guys... IMPORTANT notes that all couple in this world should remember... and it's call 20/80 rule
In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT and believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.

But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT . But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and loosing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had.

Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life.Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker.
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.
Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 80% of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 20%.

Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she says: 'I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha . . ...' Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt Or because your husband is the quiet type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.But wait! That's only 20% of what you don't have. Don't throw away the 80% that you already have! That's not all. Add to your spouse's 80% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other. The storms you have weathered together.

The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers. Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. But faithfulness happens when you start thanking God for what you already have.

But I'm not just talking about marriage.

I'm talking about life!

About your jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Rupa vs Hati

hai semua pengunjung blog kirrule... lame rase nyer tak update blog kirrule ni.. da bersawang-sawang da ni.. hik hik..
Rase nyer arini kirrule terpanggil nak berkongsi dgn semua tentang

"Apa yang di cari dalam sesuatu perhubungan"
1. C.I.N.T.A

Tepuk dada tanyer lah selera..... actually kirrule smlm ,dapat sms dari seorg sahabat yang tengah down kerana baru berkenalan dgn sesorg yang agak dikatakan tidak sepadan dgn die. die sgt merasa rendah diri dgn keadaan diri tp ape y kirrule tgk kwn kirrule tu xder ler buruk ad ler rupa....cukup sifat.. dan kirrule taw kwn kirrule ni seorg y baik.

Apakah di sebabkn rupa kita yg kurang menarik menyebabkn kita perlu mengundur diri memberi peluang kepada org y lebih layak?

Apakah kita tidak layak d gandingkan dgn org yg mempunyai paras wajah yg lebih baik?

Adakah kita tidak berhak untuk ke atas org y memiliki paras wajah yg lebih menarik?

Pelbagai persoalan yang muncul di benak kita jika kita meletakan keupayaan kita, kelebihan kita yg mugkin satu kelebihan kita miliki, yang org lain tidak miliki.....
Sesunghnya kecantikan itu satu persoalan subjektif dan tersangat subjektif....
Dengan membeza kan diri sendiri dgn kelebihan org lain adakah kita mampu untuk menangung kesengsaraan diri. Add Image

Pada kirrule kita tidak harus meletakan paras rupa dalam sesuatu perhubungan penting nya hati seseorg tu. kirrule rase bkn kirule jer pnh bercerita pasal paras rupa dan hati ni tp bnyk blog2 len jgk. dan hal ni bkn terjadi pada kawan kirrule y sorunk ni jer malah ramai d antara meraka merasakan y sama. mungkin ad mengatakan mudah buat kirrule untuk berkata tp org yang mengalaminya.... TEPUK DADA TANYA SELERA